Your brilliance deserves nurturing, not exploiting
It's time for a revolution!
Your brilliance deserves nurturing, not exploiting ☺ GENUINE, ACCESSIBLE GUIDANCE ☺ It's time for a revolution! ☺ LET'S RE-WRITE THE RULES ☺
Good Karma Business Coaching
Feeling a bit lost in the jungle of online business? I'm here to help..
Let's chat about the adorable, yet highly problematic 🐘 in the room – the current state of marketing and business coaching.
Every day, I see talented, passionate people like you being led down the garden path, talked into buying unnecessary products, and pressured into overpriced coaching programs. Not only does it leech our time and money – it delays the positive impact we could be having on the world.
Let's rewrite the rules.
The online space, especially in heart-centered niches, should be a cozy corner of growth, authenticity, and real value. Instead, what we get is a maze of distractions, each promising to hold the "secret sauce" to overnight success.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a thriving business. It's a journey filled with ups, downs, and a whole lot of "well, that was interesting" moments. Success is about making a series of "good enough" choices and learning from our oopsie-daisies as much as our victories.
Success won’t come from putting an extortionately priced mindset coach on your credit card or going all in on the latest marketing fad. You shouldn't have to mortgage your future just to get your business off the ground.
I'm here to offer a different way. A way that respects your journey, your piggy bank, and your unique brand of awesome. Because when you succeed – truly succeed, on your own terms – we all win.
If you’d like to break free from the cycle of hype and disappointment please read on 👇 👀
A Gentler, More Flexible Approach
Let's face it, starting and scaling a business is about as easy as trying to fold a fitted sheet. (If you can do that, maybe you should be coaching me!). I didn't exactly come from a family of Dragon's Den superstars, and those first few years? They were hard. Needless to say, I spent a lot of money and made a lot of mistakes.
Sometimes you just need a little bit of loving guidance here and there to help you course-correct. You're capable of amazing things - it's just about making sure you're walking in the right direction instead of running in the wrong one.
Over the years, many kind folks have asked me to coach them in their businesses. Not because I'm some guru or big shot (as a projector in Human Design, I actually prefer to keep a low profile!). It's because I've always shared my advice freely, and if I have an idea or solution that might help you shine your light brighter, I'll share it right away - even if that means guiding you in a different direction than working with me.
Your brilliance deserves nurturing, not exploiting..
What if you could reach out for a sprinkle of business wisdom whenever you needed it? No contracts, no monthly fees, and no sign-up links that lead you through a labyrinth of upsells. Because life ebbs and flows, doesn't it? Some months you might have questions every week (hello hyper-focus superstars - I see you!). Other months, you might not even want to look at your business, let alone talk about it. And that's okay!
When you need support, just send me an email. I'll spend 30-60 minutes crafting a detailed, step-by-step reply, with my honest ideas, feedback, and advice, served with a side of "you've got this!". And I'll even throw in links to other resources, courses, or experts that might be your cup of tea.
I've been navigating the wilds of online business since 2014, so I've seen more trends come and go than Paris Fashion Week. In fact, after 8 years of entrepreneurial juggling, I only just hired my first VA 6 months ago. So when I say I understand the chaos of doing it all yourself, I really mean it 🙈
I'd love to offer you a no-strings-attached, open coaching relationship. You can email me anytime with your questions at hello@sunshinesocial.co
I'll take the time to think about your situation, look at your online flow, and write you a thoughtful, in-depth reply within a few days. You may even get a video if I’m having a not-so-terrible hair day!
At the bottom of my email, I'll include my PayPal Me link, and you can send a gift that reflects the value you feel you received. It's a win-win, and those always make my INFJ heart happy!
Your brilliance deserves nurturing, not exploiting
It's time for a revolution!
Your brilliance deserves nurturing, not exploiting ☺ GENUINE, ACCESSIBLE GUIDANCE ☺ It's time for a revolution! ☺ LET'S RE-WRITE THE RULES ☺
Ready to get started?..
Just send your first question with “Good Karma” in the subject line to hello@sunshinesocial.co (or use the contact form below), and I’ll get back to you within a few days.